Sleep vs no sleep. What works.

This is a time where people sacrifice on sleep and go from sleeping 8hrs to 5hrs or less right?

But is it a good thing to deprive yourself of all the good sleep during exam time just to catch up and cover all the chapters or work on the modules you struggle with? No I don't think so.

Studying throughout the night to cram all revision might not be the answer. It can have a negative effect on your mind and body. Causing fatigue, insomnia and problems that might last for a long term.

What you can do to overcome lack of sleep is to take naps during the day which can be 30-45 minutes to let your mind rest and process the revision.

Taking frequent breaks helps to keep you focused rather than forcing down hours and hours of studying with no breaks down your throat. The brain will stop taking information after a certain period of time and that is not what you want right?

One other important thing is to make sure that you're in the right state of mind. Be happy. Play your favourite music before studying, dance like crazy. It makes a lot of difference. It gives you the energy and helps keep you happy and gives you a better chance of having a successful revision.

This are the tips that do work for me when implemented with the right study methods.

Rest enough.
Take frequent breaks during revision.
Don't over do things.
And you do matter!❤

Goodluck with your exams everyone!


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