New year's resolutions

"If you asked me for my new year's resolutions, it would be to find out who I am" - Cyril Cusack

New year's resolutions are a way or a tradition in which a person resolves to continue doing the good they were doing in the previous years, change a certain trait or behaviour they do not like, to accomplish a personal goal or otherwise improve their life.

New year's resolutions are like a map that helps you to get to your desired destination. They help you get in the direction that you want to take for your own life in order for it to change for the better.

It is essential to set one important goal that you want to achieve to matter what (amongst the many that you have), write your resolutions down and post them somewhere e.g on a wall, turn a resolution into a habit etc. This will help you achieve the goals that you've set for yourself in the year 2020.

The new year's resolutions differs from individual to the other. While an individual's new year's resolutions might be to exercise more, lose weight, get organized, learn a new hobby or skill, quit smoking, save money etc, another individual's 2020 resolutions may be to just live life to the fullest, spend more time with family and friends and also to just be happy.

Focus more on yourself this year, commit yourself to seeing you goals through, be happy, go out more, be with people who value you, love more, laugh more, excel academically, save money, have a relationship with GOD, start that YouTube channel, take risk, challenge your fears. DO MORE AND BE MORE!


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